
How to Focus in a Fragmented World

How to Focus in a Fragmented World

It’s an all-too-common problem. You promise yourself that you’ll get the #1 priority on your to-do list done, no matter what. You sit down to accomplish the task, and one of the following occurs:

  1. The phone rings, and you end up getting into a lengthy emotionally-laden conversation with a close friend. 
  2. You think, “I should just take a minute and check my Instagram.”
  3. Your phone dings with a new text showing a cute video of a friend’s toddler, which you can’t resist looking at.
  4. You start to wonder what to eat for lunch, how your favorite sports team fared last night, what clothes to pack for your trip, or how your mom is doing (You think, “I really should call her.”)
  5. Your work colleague unexpectedly comes into your space and tells you about a big new problem they’re faced with.
You return to your task and wonder, “Where am I?” You’ve lost your focus. It’s almost like the air has been released from a balloon; now you have to fill it up again.

We live in a world of increasing distractions, each of which can pull your attention away from accomplishing what you determine is essential at the moment.

The Lenses of Focus

Focus is very much like the lens of a camera. We have four types of focus. We can choose to focus either internally or externally, broadly or narrowly. These four types of focus are shown in the diagram below.

Four types of focus
  • Narrow External Focus: You use this type of focus when editing your writing, looking for typos. When you have to thread a needle or fill out a form.
  • Broad External Focus: This is the type of focus you use when walking down the street, attending to your environment, or driving a car. You are constantly scanning the environment.
  • Narrow Internal Focus: This is the type of focus needed to add a string of numbers in your head.
  • Broad Internal Focus: This type of focus is used for answering the big questions of life. Are you happy? Where do you see yourself in five years?

Performance in Life Requires the Right Focus

When you use the right energy for the right task at the right time, you are both present and powerful. The big errors that we often make are the result of being unable to:

  1. Notice that a task requires a different focus, and
  2. Switch our attention and use the right energy.

It is these two types of mismatches that cause us the most stress.

This type of issue is best solved by a technique that can help us become centered. To return quickly to a neutral point of calmness which serves as the jumping-off step to switching your focus and using the correct type of attention.

Deep breathing or an intentional pause, like getting up to walk around, can help you reset your focus. Even better, there are now products that can be used at home to provide you with deeper parasympathetic stimulation. This is where Truvaga comes in.

How Truvaga Helps with Focus

In just two minutes, a Truvaga session enlists the power of the vagus nerve to keep you alert and focused, so your concentration is on the task at hand. Allowing you to quickly get centered, both in mind and body. Truvaga provides a calm but relaxed focus to enable you to get things done with much less stress and hassle.